譚國良:一個人的身體,就像是個非常敏感的儀器,用來感覺圍繞在身邊正常的生活,以及較細節瑣碎的生活。……了解如何批評自己的作品,以及練習將其精神上,氣氛情緒上的感覺連接在一起;長久下來,這將會使我們的設計方法會有很大的進步。………就是辨別設計;我們應該如何地去選擇圍繞在周圍的生活經驗,不斷地從中去吸收,也從其他方面去閱讀和學習,生活環境提供我們所有不同的感覺和智力上不斷地思考與說明,使我們成為最優良的設計師,優良的創造者以及優良的問題解決者。(摘自譚國良先生BODY — MIND — SOUL( 身 — 心 — 靈 )演講片段)
譚國良先生是室內設計界的老師與摯友, 日前心臟病發已於臺大醫院過逝, 訂於2008年5月24日(六)上午11:00 台北市第一殯儀館(台北市民權東路) 慎終廳舉行告別儀式。
由於在臺灣並沒有親人,由大同教教會安排前往天堂的事, 我們將這個訊息發給各界,如果您是他的親友,一同前往致意!
中華民國室內設計協會理事長 姚政仲謹啟
(下列文章為譚國良先生於2001年CSID學術演講內容,讓我們進入他所說的觀點內容….) SYNOPSIS of DESIGN SENSE Lecture for CSID: May ~ June, 2001
DESIGN SENSE means having at your disposal all the means to make sensible, sensitive, design choices quickly. This is the essence of our profession and is the reason we are chosen as designers … because we are the practical artist, the sensitive individual our client needs to help him create the environment that suits him best. We are surrounded by a vast selection of products with an even more vast selection of colors, patterns, textures and forms from which to make choices. The individual designer as esthetic choice maker, cannot be replaced by a machine or by any non-professional. No matter how artistically oriented or tastefully inclined our client may be, he is not a trained professional, trained to make choices in regard to size, proportion, balance, harmony, rhythm and contrast, and to work with three-dimensional thinking.
To develop good DESIGN SENSE is a choice we must make as we see and experience the world around us, learning from it continuously, un-learning bad habits, and relearning new, to create in us the ability to be better choice makers, better problem solvers, and better designers in the end.
To achieve these ends of continuous learning, we need to re-establish contact with our bodies, our total sensing instrument; develop our basic design instincts to a higher level; refine our five senses and use our intuition; train the many powers of the mind such as memory, recognition, conception and imagination; develop our powers of visualization, and tap the inner power of inspiration. Through contact with all the arts of man, both past and present, through simple practices to develop sensitivity and mental strength, through a lifetime of continuous learning, we will, no doubt, become those practical choice makers whose wondrously creative interior designs will uplift the culture of our society, and influence the taste of future generations.
By Victor A. Tom, ASID Design Group A 辨 別 設 計 大綱: 辨別設計的定義,是當你在做"設計"的時候,可以合理地支配所有使用上的功能意義,提高我們的敏感度以及加快在設計上的選擇動作。這是我們專業上的本質,也是我們為什麼要被挑選成為室內設計師的原因。因為,我們都是講求實際的藝術創造者。運用我們敏感的角度,將客戶一一單獨地去針對不同的需求,幫助他們去創造最好的適合環境。我們都被非常多且可選擇性的產品所包圍,甚至於還有更多有關色彩、樣式、材質、以及在線條形式上,都等待著我們去挑選。而眼光獨特的室內設計師,是一位在審美觀念上,最優秀的挑選者。這是無法被任何機器或非專業人士所能取代的。不論是我們的客戶,他們在藝術的方向定位上,或許傾向於高雅的品味;他們仍然並沒有接受過專業的訓練,也沒有訓練過如何去重視空間上尺寸的大與小、比例上的調和、平衡、和諧、節奏的律動和對比之間的比較關係以及如何游走於三度空間的思考模式中。
- May 21 Wed 2008 10:03